Annual plum wine preparation

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The peak shipping season for plums is said to be around June, and we use freshly picked plums to make plum wine, albeit in small quantities. We use three types of plums: ``Nanko plum'', ``Shirakaga plum'', and ``Fujigoro plum''. Since it cannot be prepared in one day, the preparation is divided into four days.

The preparation of plum wine is carried out by all employees.

This is because plum fruit has a ``stubble'' left on it, and it is said that if it is mixed with plum wine, it will leave an astringent taste, so it is necessary to remove the stems one by one by hand.

By removing the stems, the appearance will become more beautiful and the quality will also improve. This work is extremely difficult and time consuming, so all employees work together to prepare the plum wine.

Plum fruits have downy hairs on the surface. Therefore, it repels water well and does not mix well with water, so it is necessary to remove the downy hair while washing.

At our company, we clean it by rinsing it under running water many times. Then, put the plums in a net to soak them in the plum wine.

As mentioned earlier, we also use ``Fujigoro Ume,'' a specialty of Kameda, where our company is located, in our plum wine. The history of plum cultivation dates back to the late Edo period. It was first cultivated by Fujigoro Uno and shipped to the Niigata market, and it came to be called "Fujigoro Ume" due to its excellent quality. Because the fruit is large, it is said to be suitable for making pickled plums and plum wine. (Excerpt from Niigata City official website)